Winter Solstice at Templum Fidelis

As we approach the winter solstice and welcome more light, we could think of no finer occasion to host several significant Masonic events:

Firstly, we will be welcoming our own District Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Ian Troyer on his Official Visit to Templum Fidelis Lodge.

Secondly, we will investing our very own: V.W. Bro. John. Kent, Grand Sword Bearer with his regalia.

Finally, we will be holding our election of officers for the upcoming Masonic year in preparation for our Ceremony of Installation and Investiture in January.

The agape for this meeting will be held off site at Loyalist Golf & Country Club, as the Bath Masonic Hall is still undergoing renovations

For visitors wishing to attend pre-registration is required. Please email prior to November 29, 2022 as the caterer requires confirmation of numbers.

Update on Reopening Timeline of Templum Fidelis Lodge

A Message from our Worshipful Master, VW. Bro. Graeme McDonald:

Dear Brethren and Friends of Templum Fidelis Lodge,

As you may know, the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge have granted lodges permission to return to business with certain restrictions in place. This of course is subject to every Mason’s individual comfort level and the lodge’s collective will to resume assembly for our Masonic pursuits.

The fact of the matter is that the pandemic continues around us with high infection rates resulting in cases of concern, hospitalizations and deaths in our area in numbers that remain higher than anyone should be comfortable with. However, as was always predicted to be the outcome; political, social and economic tolerance for lockdowns and restrictions have reached their breaking point and every individual, family, business and lodge is now at liberty to set their own path forward according to their own assessment of the cost/benefit of doing so.

Members of Templum Fidelis are planning to meet and discuss returning to lodge later this Spring and how that would look and feel. Our focus is to create the most solemn Masonic experience possible, we are dedicated to offering nothing less than our best which will take some preparation that I know the members will embrace. My expectation, based on previous discussions about reopening, is that the members will likely choose to focus on a September reopening which would have us back for the third Saturday in September in celebration of our Fall Equinox. This meeting is typically the venue for our Maple Leaf Speaker Series where we bring in a prominent Mason (or non-Mason Scholar). Should this plan change, we will endeavour to keep you all updated.

In the meantime, our members will prepare through not only practice of ritual but also in the renovation of our physical space by assisting Maple Leaf Lodge in repairs and improvements to the lodge building. As we improve ourselves through Masonry, we do need to make sure that the physical walls around us remain upright.

Until we meet again.
All the best.

VW. Bro. Graeme McDonald, Worshipful Master

Winter Solstice Meeting Wrap-Up

What a fantastic evening at Templum Fidelis Lodge. For those who were unable to attend, here is a bit of a summary of our events of the evenings.

We welcomed Right Worshipful Brother Bernie MacLean, District Deputy Grand Master of Frontenac District on the event of his Official Visit to Templum Fidelis Lodge. We heard a great presentation from our honorable visitor later at our Agape.

Regular meeting business commenced and we heard the announcement of an application for initiation from yet another interested gentleman.

We continued the evening with the election of officers for 2020. Congratulations for Very Worshipful Brother Sean Peré who was elected to the chair of Solomon. Congratulations also to Right Worshipful Brother David Quinn as the Senior Warden elect, Brother Chris Mackey as the Junior Warden Elect, Worshipful Brother John Kent as Treasurer Elect, Right Worshipful Brother Jeff Gatcke was re-elected as Secretary and continue his yoemans work. An open ballot for Tyler was conducted and Worshipful Brother David Wright was elected for the position. Congratulations again Worshipful Master Elect and all the best in filling out the rest of your slate of officers.

Brother David Sutherland was called upon to present a paper co-authored by himself and Worshipful Brother Ian Troyer entitled “Lux Lucis in Obscurum.” An inward exploration of Templum Fidelis over the past 10 years and questions for the future of a great young lodge.

Selections from Brother Organist can be found on this spotify playlist

Finally and most importantly, we welcomed Brother Christopher Bird as a new member of our fraternity. We wish him well on his lifelong journey through the craft, we look forward to assisting him along the way and learning from his perspective as well.

We look forward to seeing you all in January at our Ceremony of Installation and Investiture.