Winter Solstice Meeting Wrap-Up

What a fantastic evening at Templum Fidelis Lodge. For those who were unable to attend, here is a bit of a summary of our events of the evenings.

We welcomed Right Worshipful Brother Bernie MacLean, District Deputy Grand Master of Frontenac District on the event of his Official Visit to Templum Fidelis Lodge. We heard a great presentation from our honorable visitor later at our Agape.

Regular meeting business commenced and we heard the announcement of an application for initiation from yet another interested gentleman.

We continued the evening with the election of officers for 2020. Congratulations for Very Worshipful Brother Sean Peré who was elected to the chair of Solomon. Congratulations also to Right Worshipful Brother David Quinn as the Senior Warden elect, Brother Chris Mackey as the Junior Warden Elect, Worshipful Brother John Kent as Treasurer Elect, Right Worshipful Brother Jeff Gatcke was re-elected as Secretary and continue his yoemans work. An open ballot for Tyler was conducted and Worshipful Brother David Wright was elected for the position. Congratulations again Worshipful Master Elect and all the best in filling out the rest of your slate of officers.

Brother David Sutherland was called upon to present a paper co-authored by himself and Worshipful Brother Ian Troyer entitled “Lux Lucis in Obscurum.” An inward exploration of Templum Fidelis over the past 10 years and questions for the future of a great young lodge.

Selections from Brother Organist can be found on this spotify playlist

Finally and most importantly, we welcomed Brother Christopher Bird as a new member of our fraternity. We wish him well on his lifelong journey through the craft, we look forward to assisting him along the way and learning from his perspective as well.

We look forward to seeing you all in January at our Ceremony of Installation and Investiture.